Tuesday 18 April 2017

Physical Disablity: Secret diary of a call girl

Disability is shown throughout secret diary of a cool girl from various factors  such as camera, Mise en scene, editing and sound. The first way that disability is shown is through camera frames, angles and movements.
  • As the 1st scene is opened the camera pans down to the boy and makes disability the focal point implying that the image of blake is beneath society due to his disability. The camera then pans up to show another figure who is shown of a higher social making him more powerful.
  • A two shot is used to show the relationship between the two younger actors which is the girl and the boy as they want to show the audience how the boy isn't used too these  types of acts where as the girl does it as a day job naturally.
  • A wide shot is used to show the audience the setting that they are in which is mainly the flat however the focus is in the bedroom, giving the audience an idea for what is too occur.
  • There is a slow movement of the camera to show the relaxation of both the actors and too show the mood as calming for the boy, as the girl is considerate and offering.
  • They use a low angle of the boy looking up to the girl when they are on the bed too show who holds the power between the couple which was previously owned by his father. This suggests that although he is a man (who are usually pictured as leading in a relationship) he is again the lower half in comparison to the girl as the power from the father to the girl is passed on due to his disability causing him incapabilities. 
Mise En Scene
  • One of the primary props that is significant in representing disability is the boy in the wheel chair showing that he is physically unable and needs the assistance of someone else, which seems to be his dad.
  • There are three main actors of which is the girl, the boy and the dad. The boy is focused on as he is the disabled one and is looked after by both the boy and the girl. The girl is treating him as if he isn't different and tries to relax him by being careful with her words.
  • The lighting is bright throughout all the scenes to show that all actors are comfortable within their surroundings and they aren't afraid of showing their actions. With the mood being uplifting too show that not every disability has to be a negative thing.
  • Costumes that are worn by the father of blake is placed in dirty work clothing  suggesting that he is a harder order and brings the money to the family with conforms the stereotype of a male. Comparing both blake and his father they are in similar clothing however blake is shown as a lower class and doesn't work as much due to his disability.
  • There is a quick cut too separate each scene which shows the father alone in his truck. His actions subvert the stereotype of an able-bodied in comparison to his disabled son. As his son has the disability some are seen as immature and youthful however the father portrays immature actions whilst he is alone as he plays with his car window and messes around in the car, although this would be pictured to come from his son.
  • There is a slow pace to start with as everyone is welcomed into the clip and all the characters meet each other although as the scene progresses and the actions become more sexual between the girl and the boy the pace speeds up showing that the boy could feel overwhelmed and unsure what to do in the situation as he has never committed an action like this before.
  • As for screen time, the disabled boy is the focal point of the whole clip which conforms society stereotype a random person normally stare at those who are less able and make sure that they are attentive and aware of those who are less abled in case of any problem or danger towards them or others. 
  • After the boys dad leaves, who is also shown as his carer, the pace fastens in a short time in comparison to the previous events and things go quicker which could suggest that the father occasionally holds him back from doing what he wants as he is not only his carer, but his father and could be worried or scared of his dads opinion. 
  • Music is used after the father is shown in his car, where classical music is played. Romantic music, which is parallel, is used as non-diegetic over the top of the last scene where acts get more sexual between both the boy and the girl. This subverts the idea of a disabled doing able-bodied actions with the girl.
  • Silence is used to create a tension and a build up between the boy and girl within the flat whilst they are alone, additional dietetic sound is used when the girl expresses " shall we get the formalities out of the way" which suggests that the girl follows a procedure and as the boy is disabled she understands that he needs help getting comfortable. This awkwardness is also suggested against the audience putting them in the same position.
  • When blake asks "can you un-do your dungarees a bit; it looks like were wearing the same t-shirt" this suggests that he is partially insecure and worried about the opinion of others, especially the girl. Although the subverts the stereotype as people would usually think the disabled would want to act and be pictured like the more able-bodied.
  • With blake saying "dad" this supports the way his father is treating him younger than he is and is shown like a baby who is unable to carry out daily tasks. This is also shown by his father kissing him on the head, of which this sound is also emphasised which is both diegetic and non-diegetic. 
  • "have you two talked about what blake can do or.." with his father involving both the boy and the girl this shows both the characters being on the same level as each other, of which the older man treats both the boy and girl younger than they are. However when the father leaves his position is retrieved by the girl who in society would be shown as more powerful than blake due to his disability. 

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