Saturday 15 April 2017

Task 10: Distribution

What is film distribution?
Distribution of a film is the process of making a movie available to be viewed which is linked with film promotion. For example marketing techniques correlate with the distribution of a film, it is too ensure that the film is heard about and at which platforms the film can be watched by an audience. 
What is the distributors role?
A film distributor has the responsibility for the marketing of the film such as the one who distributes the film through cinemas after the process of post-production. They determine their marketing strategy and how they would like to promote their film. In addition they also decide on the release date which is crucial when deciding when they would like to release the film in what country and around which other films. 
Whats a distribution plan?
A distribution plan is a strategy that is customised to enhance the audience revenues, impact and career. This is designed based on the films content and where the distributor would like to see the film go in the future. It focuses on it core audiences and the opportunities in the ranges of distribution such as selling their product online, through the theatres or through the TV. 
Whats a P + A budget?

What is the average distribution cost for a big six film?
In order to distribute a big six film their average cost would be around 100-200 million which is way beyond other companies budget ranges, such as mini major budget are well below 100 million. 
What does the distribution budget include?
The distribution budget is largely dependent on what company has produced and is distributing it. For example Film 4 films will have a lower budget that will be spent on minimal features for the film in comparison to a larger film. For example a disney films budget with cost hundreds and a bulk of the money will go to cinemas to release the film, ways of marketing such as going towards social media sales. As well as this the budget go's towards trailers, TV adverts, billboards and websites to lure people in for the opening weekend specifically. It is said that what ever the production budget is, they distributors need an extra half of that sum to ensure that they market their film the best they possibly can. 
What is a simultaneous release?
A simultaneous release is the name given to experimental ned methods of making movies available to consumers. This strategy allows consumers to choose how and where they wish to watch the movie. 
What are some main distribution companies?
  • 20th Century Fox
  • Lionsgate
  • Paramount
  • Sony Pictures
  • Universal Pictures
  • Walt Disney
What do you think is the link between audiences and distribution?
The link between a distributor and an audience is that the distribution company has a target that they desire to reach which is appealing to their target audience. This company is known for doing this by the decision being made how they release their film, where they release it and the way in which they market their film to intrigue their audience. 
Define target market audience. What is audience positioning?
Audience positioning is when all media text has a series of encoded signs and messages that the audience will figure out. Different audiences will view these differently and the various media texts and industries are aware of their audiences. An active audience is one that responds to and interprets the media text in different ways and engages with the messages passed through the film where as a passive audience is one that doesn't engage with the text. They don't query the messages and they don't read messages throughout the film making the viewing more challenged. A target market audience is a particular group of consumers that is determined before the release of the project, and their is a specific group of people identified to enhance the chances of advertisement and messages sent across through the film. 
Why is the release date crucial?

What is self distribution?
Self distribution is when those who have created a film decide to distribute their film independently and cut up the step that distributors have to visit which is querying companies and having meetings to how much they can market/sell their film for.  This was previously carried out by showing a film through the distribution of flyers/leaflets and this type of marketing is usually known as below the line.

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