Friday 3 March 2017

Coming down the Mountain: Disablity

In todays lesson we watched the clip from 'Coming Down the Mountain' where the focus is a 
boy and his disabled brother. We had to analyse the representation of disability in the film. 

  • The first transition is a fade from one cut too another. This could show the smoothness of thinking from the more abled boy in comparison too the cut between the normal and old scene. The transition involving the space orbit creates an intense viewing towards the disabled brother.
  • The older brother has the majority amount of screen time, as the clip is based on his point of view of his disabled brothers life, and how he affects others around him. For example, people treat the disabled brother with more care as opposed to his older brother.
  • Quick cuts between the breakfast scene to show the broad amount of thoughts. As it is quick cuts it show the pressure of timing of getting ready for school and how this puts pressure on the parents, however with having to handle a disabled boy as well, this adds to the intensity that occurs in the morning.
  • Order of Narrative is shows the whole school day and how the characters go about their day. The 4 scenes are cut up by the editing and shows how the fast paced scenes presenting a full day from a range of views shows the difference of how the characters live their lives.
  • Pace is fast, linking with the order of the narrative, this is too show how the older brother wants his day to be over faster, as he wishes for at the bus stop through the voice over.
Disability is represented through textual analysis in a number of ways in 'Coming Down the Mountain'. Ways that this is shown in this clip is through Mise en Scene, the camera, editing and sound. As for the editing within this clip, the order of narrative gives a clear representation of disability. The narrative shows the whole school day within a small period of time, as 4 scenes are shown throughout a 5 minute clip. As it is a series of events (fast paced) it could represent the differences between the two characters and how one characters life is the complete opposite to the alternate. As the older brother is given more screen time over all, and this could show the power between the two characters. Another way disability is shown through editing is the transitions; most of the cuts being fast within the breakfast scene too show the confusion of the disabled brother, and the second transition being of the first scene into the black and white scene. The orbit links with disability in the way that their focus isn't as robust. As well as this the screen time is intentionally focused on the older brother in comparison to the younger brother. This is because the whole clip is based on the older brothers point of view and how his life is affected by his disabled brother.

Moreover, Mise en Scene portrays disability throughout the clip in several ways. One of them being that half of the bedroom is full of colour and is bright, where as the opposite side is dull and hasn't got any features that represent the character as an individual. The colourful side is the side of the disabled actor which could link with how they are given more attention due too their condition in comparison to those without a disability. Also, at the bus stop the disabled boy is playing with a slinky toy. This is in relation to represent his disability and too show his mind is still like a child, hence the toy is significant. This is clear as his brother is in the position of being his carer and he does not have a toy, as well as having a more mature presence, this shows that the older boy does not have a mind of a child, showing his responsibility. As for the costumes that are shown within the clip, this is a clear link to disability and his mind set of a child, he doesn't wear clothes to represent him self or show off, meaning he doesn't care what other peoples opinions are of him. He doesn't have a focus on trying too impress people, which also embarrasses his brother. In addition, there is a contrast between the happiness at the beginning of the clip at the bus stop, compared to the end scene where the disabled boy is left to be on his own on the bus. He is shown clenching tight onto the seat before him which shows his fear of his surroundings, this is too show how he is scared of the people he is surrounded by, as he isn't normally left by him self.

As well as Mise en Scene and editing, sound also shows how disability is the theme throughout Coming down the Mountain and they portray this in a variety of ways. Music is played at the end of the clip too illustrate how the disabled individual feels on his own, and too show the audience that he is frightened of his surroundings. With this music and the emotions, it makes the audience feel guilt for the character. As well as the music, which is non-diegetic sound, they intensify the diegetic sound and put the audience in the characters shoes. In addition to this, there is a substantial amount of dialogue incorporated throughout the scenes, this helps to represent disability as it enhances the characters as individuals. For example the disabled boy says 'I need a poo' within an ordinary conversation. If someone was too say this every day it would be considered as weird, however this boy doesn't care about the things that he says and is stuck in the mind of a child, therefore he doesn't think through with what he is going to say. In comparison to this his brother (who is not disabled) he gets treated with less affection as his mum says 'don't be so selfish' only because it was towards his disabled brother. Moreover, voiceovers are used frequently within the clip and is shown from the older brothers point of view which is non-diegetic. This is a voice over of the older brother talking to himself; whilst addressing the audience, and the first line he says is 'Last summer I wanted to kill my brother' which starts off with a sudden claim. This could show that the older brother constantly gets more of an opinion and feels as though he can say what he wants like his younger brother, but he doesn't usually get to do so. 

Ultimately, the work of the camera also shows disability in a different way compared to the other factors. The establishing shot which is the first one the audience sees creates a large image of the two characters instantly and shows how the straight cut down the middle of the room represents the opposite personalities of the two characters. The second type of camera work was a movement being from a steadicam and it is a slow collective pace, from a mid shot, to show the expression of the character. This could be too show him as an individual as he is the only one being focused on, as well as having him in a voice over, it represents his thought process and his innocence. In addition another shot that is significant is within the scene of the older brother un-tieing a kite from the tree. This shot is low angle to show the older brother with having the power over his younger brother who is on the ground looking up. This shot could also be considered as a point of view, as this is shown as what the younger brother is seeing. This shot could also be angelic, as though the disabled boy is looking up to his brother as though he is his idol and shows what he aspires to be. 

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