Friday 17 March 2017

Sexuality: Torchwood

Representation of Sexuality is shown in many ways throughout torchwood. Mise En Scene portrays class in a variety of ways such as through the costumes, actors, props and lighting. One significant aspect is the costumes that the characters wear. For example the main men within the clip are dressed in British Navy uniform. People within the army/navy are typically stereotyped to be heterosexual where as these actors are known to be gay which wouldn't have been accepted in this time era. In addition, a prop that plays a major part is the gun, this is held by the man who is first shown as hetro-sexual. This prop highlights the power that the man has and this isn't usually known to be held by gay men. As well as this, within the area that they are shown in the clip, the setting is typically known to have couples attend, and in this time homosexual people especially couples weren't accepted, however there is the two men that are the centre of attention and are shown kissing after the camera shows a man and woman holding hands, as well as men and women couples dancing, they are the only two men who are dancing as a couple. As for the lighting, the white strobe that cuts down the middle of the scene highlights how women are represented as angelic, as well as this the boy if forced to go off with the woman, which is the typical ending of 'going into the distance', with a man and a woman, the homosexuality was broken off at the end which is what would have been straight away in this time and area.
Sexuality is also represented through the sound incorporated within the clip. The first factor was that the music that was played whilst couples were dancing was feminine and calming when the men and women were dancing together in pairs, where as when it cuts to the man and man dancing together the music has jarring tones, allowing them to block out anyone around them, proving that just because they are two men still shows that they can be in love.  Linking with the music, they incorporated non-diegetic over the top of the music within the clip, showing that their love for each other is so empowered that the blocked out their whole surroundings. As well as this a man comments on the male couple and says "what is he doing" symbolising that this wasn't accepted and by the dialogue is shows the confusion of others. Another type of sound that was within the clip was that that was a loud bang noise which abruptly stopped them dancing, a long with the white light shining on them, this focuses the attention to them a long with the loud sounds which stops them from dancing showing that their love wasn't appreciated as a male couple.
Moreover, there are significant parts where the editing within that helps highlight the theme of sexuality in this clip. For example, there is a slow fade transition during the dance scene which shows how the homosexual pair should always be shown as accepted within society and with it being of a slow pace at the same time it allows a romantic effect. A stereotypical romance is seen as man and woman, which the majority of couples consist of this throughout the scenes, however the quick focus throughout the majority of the clip shows how their relationship isn't widely accepted. The homosexuals get the most screen time which shows how this clip is trying to spread the idea of their love and how it should be accepted as well as the other relationships within the room between man and woman. As well as this within the editing there is a special effect of the bright white light which empowers over the whole scene which is used to portray the couples undeniable love.
Finally, the last aspect that shows sexuality within this clip is the camera work. One of the shots that shows a sexuality is the pan shot over the man and woman's hand whilst they are sitting down at the table whilst the dance is progressing, this shot was used to show how the focus is of love and its not only man and woman that is accepted. In addition to this there is a slow zoom into the homosexual couples faces and this is used to show their expression towards one another and too show the audience their love for each other. As well as this

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